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Videos on learning English from Urdu

To help you to Learn English from Urdu, we are preparing videos on learning English from Urdu. Some of the videos are already on air through our YouTube Channel "Taskeen Academy” and some are under preparation.

ہمارے یو ٹیوب چینل پر موجود ویڈیوز کی تفصیل

General Topics  on Learning English from Urdu

English from Urdu | Spoken English in Urdu | English speaking course in Urdu | اردو انگلش بول چال

Spoken English course in Urdu. Learn English from Urdu through videos on our YouTube channel Taskeen Academy. اردو انگلش بول چال. انگلش اردو بول چال. Learn English to Urdu ...translation. Basic English explained through English vocabulary course in Urdu and daily use English sentences. English language course in Urdu.
This is a full Urdu English speaking course covering grammar (eight parts of speech), tenses, and English vocabulary with Urdu meanings. Urdu speakers interested to learn Urdu to English and English to Urdu will find this English language course very helpful. English through Urdu with the help of this English learning course is at your doorstep.
Improve your English writing and speaking skills by watching this and other upcoming videos. Basically, this is an introductory video of an upcoming YouTube channel – Taskeen Academy, which will cover all aspects of learning English through easy-to-understand Urdu language lessons. The coverage includes grammar, tenses, sentence formation, and vocabulary of commonly used English words.
In this video, you will learn what is a word, what is a sentence, what are vowels, and about words containing some letters that are written but not spoken.

You may visit our website: for a complete course on learning English through the Urdu language.

To view other videos to improve your English you may visit our relevant playlist at

To view our videos on Parts of Speech, you may visit our playlist at
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Eight Parts of Speech

The Parts of Speech | Parts of speech definition in Urdu and examples |English grammar in Urdu

Basic English Grammar explained in Urdu with examples. Learn parts of speech with examples. See definition of parts of speech and examples. Learn English grammar in use. Learning English grammar Urdu is not a big problem. Basic grammar rules including 8 parts of speech explained in easy Urdu. This is an English grammar full course in Urdu.
This is an introductory video on English parts of speech and soon detailed videos on each part of speech shall be published on YouTube. This video contains full definitions of each part of speech, examples, and explanations in easy Urdu language.
A page on this topic is also available on our website: along with a detailed explanation of all eight parts of speech.
You may visit our playlist
to watch our other videos on all parts of speech in Urdu.
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Meaning in Urdu

اس سیکشن میں دیکھئیے اہم انگلش الفاظ کے اردو معنی اور ان کا جملوں میں استعمال۔

Curious meaning in Urdu | curious in Urdu | curious sentences | meaning in Urdu | curious examples

Learn curious meaning in Urdu - اردو . See curious sentences, curious examples, curious synonyms, curiosity meaning in Urdu, and curiously meaning in Urdu. Watch curiosity sentences, curiously sentences, curiosity ...examples, curiously examples.
Our other videos on general topics to learn English in Urdu are available on
Our videos on English parts of speech are available on
A complete course to learn English in Urdu is available at our website on
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English Tenses

Tenses in Urdu | English tenses with examples | Types of Tenses with definition rules and examples

Learn English tenses in Urdu. Tenses explained with examples in Urdu. 12 tenses with definition, rules, and example sentences. Types of tenses explained in Urdu with definitions and example sentences ...with Urdu translation. See tense meaning in Urdu. Terms like English tenses, verb tenses, tenses rules, explained in Urdu. Learn tenses in English grammar with the help of tense definition and examples. All 12 tenses in English Grammar defined with rules and examples in English with Urdu meaning. Relationship between tenses and verbs. What are tense aspects of all the three main tenses?
Visit our playlist on tenses to view all videos on tenses at
Visit our website page on all the 12 tenses at
For viewing more examples on all the tenses visit our page
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English Sentence Formation

Sentence Structure in Urdu | Sentence formation with examples Urdu | Basic sentence pattern in Urdu

Learn how to make English sentences. Sentence formation and sentence structure explained in Urdu. Basic sentence structure and basic sentence pattern explained in this video in Urdu. Types of sentence ...structures, sentence parts, described with sentence structure examples. Sentence meaning in English to Urdu included. See formation of English sentences with examples in English and translation into Urdu.
Learn what is a sentence with definition and examples? Basic English sentence structure / formation in Urdu. Any person trying to learn or improve English must understand how sentences are formed? See different kinds of sentences and how are they constructed? Learn about various patterns of sentence structure / formation, such as subject + verb, subject + verb + object, subject + verb + adjective, subject + verb + noun, subject + verb + adverb. Understand what is subject, subject phrase, subject complement, object, and object complement. Learn what a clause, independent clause, dependent clause is. Kinds of sentence on the basis of structure and on the basis of purpose.
Watch our other videos on:
Consonants and Vowels:
Punctuation Marks in English writing:
Playlist on Sentence formation and examples of daily use sentences:
Our other videos on general topics to learn English in Urdu are available at
Our videos on parts of English are available at
A complete course to learn English in Urdu is available at our website at
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English Vocabulary with Urdu meanings

Emotions and feelings | English Vocabulary words with Urdu meanings | 30 Important English Words

English Vocabulary for Emotions and feelings with Urdu meanings. See important English words with Urdu translation, daily use English words with Urdu meaning, basic English words with Urdu meaning, and ...English vocabulary with Urdu translation. This video contains English words used in daily life, most used words in English, and common English words (with Urdu meaning) used for expressing human feelings and emotions.
To watch our other videos on English vocabulary, you may visit our playlist at
Please see our complete English learning course in Urdu at our website at
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Pronunciations of English words

Pronunciation of English articles a an the explained in Urdu | How to pronounce a an the (Urdu)

How to pronounce a an the, explained in Urdu. See how to pronounce the, how to pronounce a an, What is the pronunciation of the and what is the pronunciation ...of a an. This video contains pronunciation meaning in Urdu, pronunciation of articles and pronounce meaning in Urdu.
It is advised that before viewing this video, viewers should have complete knowledge of the use of English articles a an the. Watch our video at explaining in detail in Urdu Hindi how the English articles a an the work.
Visit our playlist at to view the videos on English parts of speech.
Our other videos on general topics to learn English in Urdu are available at
A complete course to lean English in Urdu is available at our website at
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Difference between ............and .......

Difference between step brother and half brother in Urdu | Step siblings vs half siblings

Learn difference between step brother and half brother in Urdu. Step brother, half brother, step siblings, foster brother, foster siblings meaning and definition in Urdu. Step brother vs half brother ...and Step siblings vs half siblings also explained in this video. Phrases such as Step vs half sibling and Step siblings in relationships also described.
Watch our other videos on sentences at
You can watch our videos on English grammar at
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Frequently used basic 2265 English Words

with Urdu meanings

100 Daily use English words with Urdu meaning | 2265 English words part 1 | English to Urdu words

Learn English words with Urdu meaning. See vocabulary Words with Urdu meaning. Learn English to Urdu words. This is a collection of English words used in daily life conversation. English Urdu words with pronunciation and use in a sentence.
This video contains English words used in daily life conversation. You will find most useful English words with Urdu meaning for daily life conversation and examples. These are daily use English words with Urdu meaning. Daily conversation words which are basic English words with Urdu meaning have been included in this video. You will find here common English words with Urdu meaning and new vocabulary words for daily use.
If a person learns these words by heart with their meanings, it is hoped that he/she will be able to write and speak English easily and fluently. This is Part-1 of the most frequently used 2265 English Words (Word Nos. 001 to 100) researched by the world-renowned dictionaries. In due course of time, videos on all the remaining words out of the 2265 words mentioned earlier shall be published.

PDF download link:
Our other videos on general topics to learn English in Urdu are available on
Our videos on parts of English are available on
A complete course to learn English in Urdu is available at our website on
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