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Learn Active and Passive Voice in Urdu

Learn Active and Passive voice in Urdu. See Active and Passive voice rules in Urdu. Active and Passive voice defined in Urdu with the help of examples in English and translation in Urdu.

 In order to learn English in Urdu, you have to learn its grammar including Active and Passive Voice in Urdu.  We will explain in simple Urdu as to what is active and passive voice, how active voice is converted to passive voice, and put light on various other related issues so that you easily learn active and passive voice in Urdu.

Active and Passive Voice اردو میں سمجھیں

Active Voice اور Passive Voice کیا ہیں؟

  جب کسی جملے میں subject خود کوئی act  کر تا ہےتو یہ active voice کہلاتا ہے۔ نیچے درج جملہ دیکھیں:-

.Ahmed reads a book

یہ جملہ Active Voice  میں ہے۔ اس میں Ahmed ایک subject ہے، book ایک object ہے اور reads ایک verb ہے۔ Ahmed جو subject ہے، book جو ایک object ہے، پر پڑہنے کا act کر  رہا ہے۔یعنی subject ایکٹ کر رہا ہے۔ اس ہی لیے اس کو Active Voice  کہا جاتا ہے۔

اب اس ہی جملے کو دوسرے انداز میں دیکھیں:-

.A book is read by Ahmed

اس جملے کے بھی وہی  معنی ہیں مگر لکھنے کا انداز بدل گیا ہے۔ پچھلے جملے کا جو object تھا وہ اب اس جملے میں  subject ہے۔ لیکن subject اب act نہیں کر رہا ہے بلکہ اس پر act  کیا جا رہا ہے۔ یہی  passive voice ہے۔  آگے چل کر ہم پڑہیں گے کہ active voice  کو passive voice میں کیسے تبدیل کیا جاتا ہے۔

Active Voice کب استعمال ہوتا ہے؟

ہم زیادہ تر  Active Voice استعمال کرتےہیں.  یہ چھوٹے اور پڑھنے میں آسان  جملے ہوتے ہیں۔ مندرجہ ذیل صورتوں میں Active Voice ترجیح ہونی چاہیے:-

1۔جب آپ واضح طور پر بتانا چاہ رہے ہوں ’’کون‘‘ کر رہا ہے، اور ’’کیا‘‘  کر رہا ہے۔ جیسے:ـ

وزیراعظم آج قوم سے خطاب کریں گے۔

The Prime Minister will address the nation today.

جنید اگلے ہفتے وطن واپس آجائیں گے۔

Junaid will return home next week.

پولیس ملزم کی تلاش کر رہی ہے۔

The police are searching for the accused.

2-  جب محرک اہم ہو – جیسے:ـ
سر آئزک نیوٹن نے 300 سال پہلے کشش ثقل کو دریافت کیا تھا۔

Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravity more than 300 years ago.

دنیا بھر میں لوگ بہت زیادہ چائے پیتے ہیں۔

People drink lots of tea all over the world.

3- ۔ جب محرک  known اور relevant ہو – جیسے:ـ

حفیظ نے لاہور میں کینسر ہسپتال کھولا۔

Hafeez opened a cancer hospital in Lahore.

وحید نے فیکٹری سے مشین چوری کی۔

Waheed stole the machine from the factory.

4-  جب کسی چیز پر زور دینا ہو – جیسے:ـ

دانتوں کے ڈاکٹر دن میں دو بار دانت صاف کرنے کا مشورہ دیتے ہیں۔

Dentists recommend brushing your teeth twice a day.

میٹھا پیش کرنے سے پہلے آپ کو اپنی تمام گاجریں کھانی چاہئیں۔

You must eat all your carrots before dessert is served.

Learn Active and Passive Voice in Urdu

Passive Voice کب استعمال ہوتا ہے؟

  مندرجہ ذیل صورتوں میں Passive Voice کو ترجیح دی جاتی ہے:-

جب ہم نہیں جانتے کہ action  کس نے لیا ہے یا ہم کام کرنے والے کا ذکر نہیں کرنا چاہتے۔   نیچے دی ہوئی مثالیں دیکھیں:-

کس نے جیتا؟  ہم نہیں جانتے۔ میچ جیت لیا گیا۔

The match was won.

کس نے چرائی؟ ہم نہیں جانتے۔ موٹر سائکل چوری کر لی گئی۔

The bike was stolen.

کس نے مارا؟  ہم نہیں جانتے۔ ایک آدمی مار دیا گیا۔

A man was killed.

2. جب action  خود بہت  important ہو،    action لینے والے سے یا action کا باعث بننے والے سے – جیسے:ـ

آم پوری دنیا میں پسند کیے جاتے ہیں۔

Mangoes are liked all over the world.

برصغیر میں کرکٹ بہت زیادہ کھیلی جاتی ہے۔

Cricket is played overwhelmingly in the sub-continent.

پاکستان اور ہندوستان 1947 میں بنے تھے۔

Pakistan and India were created in 1947.

3۔ جب جو ہم بول یا لکھ رہے ہیں ہمارے جملے کا موضوع ہو – جیسے:-

پاکستان نے تین گولڈ میڈل جیتے ہیں۔

Three gold medals were won by Pakistan.

کرونا وائرس انسانی رابطے سے پھیلتا ہے۔

Corona Virus is spread by human contact.

جنگیں بہادر  آدمیوں سے جیتی جاتی ہیں۔

Wars are won by brave men.

Learn Active and Passive Voice in Urdu

Active Voice سے Passive Voice بنانے کے اصول
Active and Passive Voice in Urdu
Passive Voice بناتے وقت verb کی تبدیلی
Verb changes in Passive Voice

Learn Active and Passive Voice in Urdu

Examples according to Tenses

Present Indefinite

Present Indefinite Tense میں  passive voice میں تبدیل کرتے وقت    am/are/is کو main verb سے پہلے لگایا جاتا ہے اور main verb کا past participle  لگتا ہے:-

Passive Voice

Active Voice

Hockey is played by Aslam.

Aslam plays hockey.

Coffee is not liked by him.

He does not like coffee.

Are parks visited by you?

Do you visit parks?

By whom is it known?

Who knows it?

Learn Active and Passive Voice

Present Continuous

Present Continuous میں am/are/is  کے بعد being اور verb کو past participle form میں لگایا جاتا ہے۔

Passive Voice

Active Voice

Hockey is being played by Aslam.

Aslam is playing hockey.

We are not being supported by him.

He is not supporting us.

Is a new car being bought by them?

Are they buying a new car?

What are you being troubled by?

What is troubling you?

Present Perfect

اس tense  میںpassive voice   بناتےوقت  auxiliary verb  کے بعد been اور main verb  کو past participle form میں لگایا جاتا ہے۔ یہ مثالیں دیکھیں:ـ

Passive Voice

Active Voice

Hockey has been played by Aslam.

Aslam has played hockey.

We have not been supported by him.

He has not supported us.

Has a new car been bought by them?

Have they bought a new car?

Who has it been done by?

Who has done it?

Present Perfect Continuous کے Passive Voice نہیں بنتے

Past Indefinite

اس tense  میں  passive voice   بنانے کے لئیے  subject   کے بعد person کے مطابق  was  یا  were  کو لگایا جاتا ہے اور main verb   کو   past participle form میں  لگایا جاتا ہے۔ یہ مثالیں دیکھیں:ـ

Passive Voice

Active Voice

A prize was won by Aslam.

Aslam won a prize.

Horror movies were seen by them.

They saw horror movies.

Was the class attended by him?

Did he attend the class?

What were the destructions caused by?

What caused the destructions?

Past Continuous

Past Continuous  میں person  کے مطابق was  یا were پھر  being اور main  verb  کو  past participle form  میں لگایا جاتا ہے۔

Passive Voice

Active Voice

Hockey was being played by Aslam.

Aslam was playing hockey.

We were not being supported by them.

They were not supporting us.

Was a new car being bought by them?

Were they buying a new car?

What were you being troubled by?

What was troubling you?

Past Perfect

اس tense  میں  subject   کے بعد آگزیلری ورب  "had”    پھر been  اور پھر main verb  کو past participle form میں لگایا جاتا ہے۔

Passive Voice

Active Voice

Hockey had been played by Aslam.

Aslam had played hockey.

We had not been supported by him.

He had not supported us.

Had a new car been bought by them?

Had they bought a new car?

Who had it been done by?

Who had done it?

Past Perfect Continuous کے Passive Voice نہیں بنتے

Future Indefinite

Future Indefinite tense   میں  subject  کے بعد آگزیلری ورب   "will یا  shall”   اس کے بعد  be  اورپھر mian verb  کو past participle form میں لگایا جاتا ہے۔

Passive Voice

Active Voice

We will be helped by them.

They will help us.

Shoes will not be purchased by her.

She will not purchase shoes.

Will the certificate be received by him?

Will he receive the certificate?

Who will it be done by?

Who will do it?

Learn Active and Passive Voice in Urdu

Future Continuous کے Passive Voice نہیں بنتے

Future Perfect

اس tense   میں subject  کے بعد  آگزیلری ورب "will have  been” اور پھر main verb  کو past participle form میں لگایا جاتا ہے۔

Passive Voice

Active Voice

The homework will have been completed by Baqar by the evening.

Baqar will have completed the homework by the evening.

The office will not have been reached by him by 9 am.

He will not have reached the office by 9 am.

Will a new car have been bought by them by next month?

Will they have bought a new car by next month?

Who will it have been done by?

Who will have done it?

Future Perfect Continuous کے Passive Voice نہیں بنتے

Modal Verbs کے Passive Voice

Modal Verbs   والے جملوں کو Passive Voice  بنانے کے لیے main  verb سے پہلے be لگایا جاتا ہے اور main verb  کو  past participle  میں بدل دیا جاتا ہے۔ باقی تمام اصول وہٰی اپناۓ جائیں گے جو passive voice  بنانے کے لیے دیگر جملوں میں اپناۓ جاتے ہیں، یعنی  active voice   کا  object  پیسو وائس کا  subject  بن جاۓ گا اور active voice  کاsubject  پیسو وائس کا  object بن جاۓ گا۔

can اور could - کے Passive Voice
Passive VoiceActive Voice
A good speech can be written by her.She can write a good speech.
Can cricket be played by him?Can he play cricket?
The match could be won by Ahmed.Ahmed could win the match.
Who could it be done by?Who could do it?
will اور would - کے Passive Voice
Passive VoiceActive Voice
Will cricket be played by him?Will he play cricket?
A good speech will be written by her.She will write a good speech.
Biology would be taken at college by Ahmed.Ahmed would take biology at college.
We would be taught by her today.She would teach us today.
shall اور should - کے Passive Voice
Passive VoiceActive Voice
Shall cricket be played by us?Shall we play cricket?
A letter shall be written to him by me.I shall write a letter to him.
The poor should be helped by us.We should help the poor.
We should be taught by her today.She should teach us today.
might, may اور must کے Passive Voice
Passive VoiceActive Voice
Zahid may be helped by Baqar.Baqar may help Zahid.
The camera may not be bought by me.I may not buy the camera.
The way might be lost by us.We might lose the way.
We might be taught by her today.She might teach us today.
The work must be finished today by you.You must finish the work today.
The court must be appeared by Faiza.Faiza must appear in the court.
may have, might have, should have, must have اور ought to have - کے Passive Voice

اس قسم کے جملوں میں  main verb  کے  past participle  سے پہلے been  لگا یا جاتا ہے۔

Passive VoiceActive Voice
The book may have been read by you.You may have read the book.
The book may not have been read by you.You may not have read the book.
Meal might have been eaten by him.He might have eaten meal.
Meal might not have been eaten by him.He might not have eaten meal.
The movie should have been seen by you.You should have seen the movie.
The company must have been joined by him.He must have joined the company.
He ought to have been helped by you.You ought to have helped him.
Imperative sentences کے Passive Voice

حکم دینے والے جملوں کے  passive voice  کو  Let سے شروع ہو کر  اس طرح بنا یا جاتا ہے:-

Passive VoiceActive Voice
Let it be done.Do it.
Let the doctor be called in.Call in the doctor.
Let a lie be never told.Never tell a lie.
Let the door be shut.Shut the door.
Let it not be done again.Don’t do it again.

درخواست کرنے والے جملوں کے passive voice  اس طرح بنتے ہیں:-

Passive VoiceActive Voice
You are requested to lend me some money.Lend me some money.
You are advised to work hard.Work hard.
You are requested to come here.Come here.
You are ordered to shut the door.Shut the door.
You are ordered to stand up.Stand up.
Infinitive Verbs یعنی to.... سے شروع ہونے والے verb کے Passive Voice ایسے بنتے ہیں:-
Passive VoiceActive Voice
This work has to be done by me.I have to do this work.
I want this book to be bought.I want to buy this book.
There is no shop to be let.There is no shop to let.
دو object والے جملوں کے passive voice

دو object والے جملوں میں زیادہ تر پہلا object  انڈائریکٹ object ہوتا ہے جبکہ دوسرا  direct object ہوتا ہے۔ Passive Voice   کا subject عام طور پر active voice  کا indirect object ہوتا ہے:-

Passive VoiceActive Voice
A gift was given to Ahmed by me.Ahmed was given a gift by me.
Waheed was made fool by her.She made Waheed fool.
He was read five stories by me.I read him five stories.
I was written many letters by him.He wrote me many letters.

Learn Active and Passive Voice in Urdu

Active Voice اور  Passive Voice  پر ہماری یہ ویڈیو دیکھیں۔

Modal Verbs  کے Active Voice  اور  Passive Voice  پر ہماری یہ ویڈیو دیکھیں۔