Sentence structure, formation, types, parts

Conditional sentences in Urdu | 4 types of conditional sentences

Pinterest Youtube Facebook Conditional Sentences Learn the use of conditional sentences in Urdu.    In order to improve your English,  learn how the sentences are formed, and what are its types including one of the types – conditional sentences.  جملے کئی قسم کے ہوتے ہیں۔ آسان ،  سیدھے سادھے،  ایک فقرے پر مشتمل،  بیانیہ،  انکاریہ،  […]

Conditional sentences in Urdu | 4 types of conditional sentences Read More »

What is object, its meaning, and types of object, explained in Urdu

Pinterest Youtube Facebook What is object of a sentence  In English, usually a sentence consists of three parts – subject + verb + object.  Here, we have explained in Urdu with examples in English and Urdu, what is object of a sentence,  and types of object – direct object, indirect object, and object of preposition.

What is object, its meaning, and types of object, explained in Urdu Read More »

What is subject, subject and predicate meaning & definition in Urdu

Pinterest Youtube Facebook What is subject of a sentence  In English, a sentence consists of two parts – subject and predicate.  Here, we have explained in Urdu with examples in English and Urdu, what is subject of a sentence, what is predicate, and types of subject – simple subject, compound subject, noun phrase, and subject

What is subject, subject and predicate meaning & definition in Urdu Read More »

Phrase and its types explained in Urdu with phrase examples

Pinterest Youtube Facebook Phrases and its types  In English, a sentence consists of clauses and phrases.  Learn what is phrase and its types. There are many types of phrases.  Phrases and its types explained in Urdu with examples in English and Urdu. For Urdu speaking persons who want to learn or improve their English speaking,

Phrase and its types explained in Urdu with phrase examples Read More »

Clause, its types and clause meaning in Urdu with clause examples

Pinterest Youtube Facebook Clause and its types  In English, a sentence consists of at least one clause.  There are two types of clauses – Independent clause and Dependent or Subordinate clause.  Clauses and its types explained in Urdu with examples in English and Urdu. For Urdu speaking persons who want to learn or improve their

Clause, its types and clause meaning in Urdu with clause examples Read More »

Types of sentences – simple, compound, and complex sentences

Pinterest Youtube Facebook Simple compound and complex sentences explained in Urdu  Types of sentences – simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence and compound complex sentence explained in Urdu. Types of clauses – Independent clause and Dependent or Subordinate clause also explained in Urdu. Coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions are also explained in Urdu with examples

Types of sentences – simple, compound, and complex sentences Read More »

Sentence structure and formation patterns explained in Urdu

Pinterest Youtube Facebook Sentence Formation Patterns Learn how to make English sentences. Sentence formation and sentence structure explained in Urdu. Basic sentence structure, and basic sentence pattern explained in this article. Types of sentence structures, sentence parts, also described with sentence structure examples. When we communicate verbally or in writing, we use words and  sentences.

Sentence structure and formation patterns explained in Urdu Read More »