inspire, inspired, inspiration meaning in Urdu with examples

inspiration meaning in Urdu For Urdu-speaking persons who want to learn English from Urdu, inspiration meaning in Urdu inspire meaning in Urdu, and inspired meaning in Urdu, their use in English sentences with Urdu translation, pronunciation explained in Urdu, and synonyms of assessment with Urdu meanings, are presented here.  inspiration definition in Urdu inspiration  انگلش […]

inspire, inspired, inspiration meaning in Urdu with examples Read More »

assess, assessed, assessment meaning in Urdu with examples

assessment meaning in Urdu For Urdu-speaking persons who want to learn English from Urdu, assessment meaning in Urdu assess meaning in Urdu, and assessed meaning in Urdu, their use in English sentences with Urdu translation, pronunciation explained in Urdu, and synonyms of assessment with Urdu meanings, are presented here.  assessment definition in Urdu assessment  کے

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oat, oatmeal and porridge oats meaning in Urdu with examples

oat meaning in Urdu For Urdu-speaking persons who want to learn English from Urdu, oat meaning in Urdu, its use in English sentences with Urdu translation, and pronunciation are presented here.  oat definition in Urdu oat   کے اردو معنی ہیں:   جو   یا   جئی۔   یہ ایک قسم کا اناج ہے،  جیسے گندم، چاول، وغیرہ۔ جو گندم

oat, oatmeal and porridge oats meaning in Urdu with examples Read More »

vibe meaning in Urdu with examples, definition, and pronunciation

vibe meaning in Urdu For Urdu-speaking persons who want to learn English from Urdu, vibe meaning in Urdu, its use in English sentences with Urdu translation, pronunciation explained in Urdu, and its synonyms with Urdu meanings, are presented here.  vibe definition in Urdu کسی جگہ،  صورتحال ،شخص،    کی کیفیت کے بارے میں ایک خاص تائثر

vibe meaning in Urdu with examples, definition, and pronunciation Read More »

about you meaning in Urdu and its use in example sentences

about you meaning in Urdu "about you” meaning in Urdu is presented here along with some explanation for the Urdu-speaking persons trying to improve their English speaking and writing skills. This website contains a complete course on learning English from Urdu, containing pages on grammar – all parts of speech, sentence formation, tenses, vocabulary, and

about you meaning in Urdu and its use in example sentences Read More »

lol meaning in Urdu with examples, definition, and pronunciation

lol meaning in Urdu lol meaning in Urdu is presented here along with some explanation for the Urdu-speaking persons trying to improve their English speaking and writing skills. This website contains a complete course on learning English from Urdu, containing pages on grammar – all parts of speech, sentence formation, tenses, vocabulary, and a blog

lol meaning in Urdu with examples, definition, and pronunciation Read More »

Who are you meaning in Urdu and its use in example sentences

Who are you? meaning in Urdu Who are you? meaning in Urdu is presented here along with some explanation for the Urdu-speaking persons trying to improve their English speaking and writing skills. This website contains a complete course on learning English from Urdu, containing pages on grammar – all parts of speech, sentence formation, tenses,

Who are you meaning in Urdu and its use in example sentences Read More »

how meaning in Urdu with examples, definition, and pronunciation

how meaning in Urdu For Urdu-speaking persons who want to learn English from Urdu, how meaning in Urdu, its use in English sentences with Urdu translation, pronunciation explained in Urdu, and its synonyms with Urdu meanings, are presented here.  how definition in Urdu how  ایک سوال پوچھنے والا لفظ ہے۔   اس کے معنی ہیں:  کیسا،

how meaning in Urdu with examples, definition, and pronunciation Read More »

what meaning in Urdu with examples, definition, and pronunciation

what meaning in Urdu For Urdu-speaking persons who want to learn English from Urdu, what meaning in Urdu, and its use in sentences,  with Urdu translation, is presented here.  what definition in Urdu what کے معنی ہیں : ’’کیا، کون سا، وغیرہ‘‘۔  عام طور پر اس سے سوالیہ جملے بنتے ہیں  جن میں  ’’کیا‘‘   لفظ

what meaning in Urdu with examples, definition, and pronunciation Read More »