grocery meaning in Urdu with examples and pronunciation

grocery meaning in Urdu For Urdu-speaking persons who want to learn English from Urdu, grocery meaning in Urdu, and its definition in Urdu is presented here.  This website contains a complete course on learning English from Urdu, containing pages on grammar – all parts of speech, sentence formation, tenses, vocabulary, and a blog continuously giving tips to improve English from Urdu. grocery definition […]

grocery meaning in Urdu with examples and pronunciation Read More »

Meme meaning in Urdu with examples and pronunciation

meme meaning in Urdu For Urdu-speaking persons who want to learn English from Urdu, meme meaning in Urdu, and its definition in Urdu is presented here. This website contains a complete course on learning English from Urdu, containing pages on grammar – all parts of speech, sentence formation, tenses, vocabulary, and a blog continuously giving tips to improve English from Urdu. meme کے

Meme meaning in Urdu with examples and pronunciation Read More »

oatmeal meaning in Urdu with examples and pronunciation

oatmeal meaning in Urdu For Urdu-speaking persons who want to learn English from Urdu, oatmeal meaning in Urdu, and its definition in Urdu are presented here. This website contains a complete course on learning English from Urdu, containing pages on grammar – all parts of speech, sentence formation, tenses, vocabulary, and a blog continuously giving tips to improve English from Urdu. oatmeal definition in

oatmeal meaning in Urdu with examples and pronunciation Read More »

depression meaning in Urdu and its use in example sentences

depression meaning in Urdu For Urdu-speaking persons who want to learn English from Urdu, depression meaning in Urdu, and its definition in Urdu is presented here along with its synonyms. This website contains a complete course on learning English from Urdu, containing pages on grammar – all parts of speech, sentence formation, tenses, vocabulary, and a blog continuously giving tips to improve English

depression meaning in Urdu and its use in example sentences Read More »

conservative, conservatively, conservativeness, meaning in Urdu

conservative meaning in Urdu For Urdu-speaking persons who want to learn English from Urdu, conservative meaning in Urdu, conservatively meaning in Urdu, conservativeness meaning in Urdu, and the definition of conservative in Urdu is presented here along with its synonyms. This website contains a complete course on learning English from Urdu, containing pages on grammar – all parts

conservative, conservatively, conservativeness, meaning in Urdu Read More »

Thesaurus meaning in Urdu with examples and pronunciation

thesaurus meaning in Urdu For Urdu-speaking persons who want to learn English from Urdu, thesaurus meaning in Urdu, and its definition in Urdu is presented here along with its synonyms. This website contains a complete course on learning English from Urdu, containing pages on grammar – all parts of speech, sentence formation, tenses, vocabulary, and a blog continuously giving tips to improve English

Thesaurus meaning in Urdu with examples and pronunciation Read More »

rip meaning in Urdu with examples, definition, and pronunciation

rip meaning in Urdu For Urdu-speaking persons who want to learn English from Urdu, rip meaning in Urdu, its use in English sentences with Urdu translation, pronunciation explained in Urdu, and its synonyms with Urdu meanings, are presented here.  rip definition in Urdu rip  کو  verb  اور  noun   کے طور پر  استعمال کیا جاتا ہے۔

rip meaning in Urdu with examples, definition, and pronunciation Read More »

need, needless, needlessly meaning in Urdu with examples

need meaning in Urdu For Urdu-speaking persons who want to learn English from Urdu, need meaning in Urdu, bless meaning in Urdu, blessing meaning in Urdu, their use in English sentences with Urdu translation, synonyms of blessed, and pronunciation explained in Urdu, are presented here. need definition in Urdu need  کو  noun  اور  verb  کے طور پر استعمال

need, needless, needlessly meaning in Urdu with examples Read More »

Are you there meaning in Urdu and its use in example sentences

Are you there? meaning in Urdu "Are you there? ” meaning in Urdu is presented here along with some explanation for the Urdu-speaking persons trying to improve their English speaking and writing skills. This website contains a complete course on learning English from Urdu, containing pages on grammar – all parts of speech, sentence formation,

Are you there meaning in Urdu and its use in example sentences Read More »