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Daily use basic English words - Part 6

with Urdu meanings

Learn daily use basic English words Part 6 from most used basic 2265 English words, with Urdu meanings. This article contains 50 daily use English words with Urdu meanings. These are basic English words used in daily life.

The number of words a person knows plays important role in his reading, writing, and speaking skills. For Urdu-speaking persons, we are presenting here 50 words in the form of 2265 English words Part-6  daily use English words with Urdu meanings.  We hope this will help you to learn English from Urdu. For viewing the previously published lists of words kindly visit our section "frequently used 2265 English words” under the TIPS menu of this website.

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انگلش میں بہت زیادہ اور باربار استعمال ہونے والے  2265  الفاظ کی چھٹی   قسط جو الفاظ نمبر  301 سے  350  پر مشتمل ہے، پیش کی جا رہی ہے۔ ان الفاظ کو اچھی طرح سمجھیے، ان کے معنی سمجھیں، ان کا تلفظ غور سے سنیں اور آپ بھی  ان الفاظ کو صحیح تلفظ سے کم سے کم ایک دفعہ ضرور بولیں۔ Part of Speech  والے کالم میں  دیکھیں کہ یہ  لفظ  part of speech  کا کون سا پارٹ ہے یعنی یہ لفظ  noun  ہے، pronoun  ہے، verb   ہے یا کچھ اور ہے۔ان الفاظ کا جملوں میں استعمال دیکھیں اور کوشش کرکے ایسے ہی مزید جملے بنائیں۔ امید ہے کہ ان الفاظ اور آنے والےمزید الفاظ کو سمجھنے اور یاد کرنے سے آپ کی  vocabulary بہتر سے بہتر ہوتی جاۓ گی۔ تو آیے ان الفاظ پر نظر ڈالتے ہیں۔

English Daily Use Words with Urdu meanings

English daily use words with urdu meanings


In Urdu

Part of


311wordلفظnounChoose proper words for a sentence.
312fatموٹاnounRustam is a fat man.
313forceطاقتnoun, verbDo not use force against weak persons.
314keyچابیnounI have lost my keys somewhere.
315light،روشنی، ہلکاnounThere was enough light in the room.
316simplyسادگی سے،صرف، فقطadverbMy parents passed their lives simply.
317todayآجadverbToday is a new day.
318training،تربیت، مشقnounSoldiers have to undergo very hard training.
319untilجب تکprepositionI waited until my father reached.
320majorبڑا، فوجی رینکadjectiveGetting a job is not a major issue for talented persons.

Learn daily use basic English words



In Urdu

Part of


321nameنامnounMy name is Alam.
322personalذاتی، شخصیadjectiveDo not meddle in the personal affairs of others.
323schoolاسکولnounPoor people do not send their children to school.
324topسب سے اوپر، چوٹیnounTry to get a top position in your class.
325currentموجودہ،رائج الوقت، برقی روadjective, nounWhat is the current rate of exchange?
326generallyعام طور پرadverbGenerally, the weather remains hot in Sindh.
327historicalتاریخیadjectiveThe Creation of Pakistan was a historical moment.
328investmentسرمایہ کاریnounIndustrial projects need heavy investment.
329leftبائیں طرف، چھوڑا، چھوڑا ہوا،adjective, adverbWaheed left the job on a simple issue.
330nationalقومیadjective, nounPeople generally unite on national issues.


Learn daily use basic English words



In Urdu

Part of


331amountرقمnounHow much amount do you need?
332levelسطح، درجہ،برابرnounEvery team should be given a level playing field.
333orderحکم، ترتیب،noun, verbKeep your daily activities in order.
334practiceمشق، رواجnoun, verbThe cricket team will practice for two hours today.
335researchتحقیق کرنا، کھوج لگانا،noun, verbOur agriculture needs a lot of research.
336senseذہن،فہم، شعورnoun, verbThere is no sense in your arguments.
337serviceخدمت، دیکھ بھال، مرمت، نوکریnoun, verbMy car needs routine service.
338areaعلاقہ،  رقبہ، دائرہ کارnoun, verbThe referred area is not in the control of Sindh Police.
339cutکاٹناverb, nounDo not cut trees.
340hotگرمadjectiveDuring May, the weather remains very hot in Karachi.

روزانہ استعمال کے انگلش الفاظ اردو ترجمے کے ساتھ



In Urdu

Part of


341insteadبجاۓadverbHe reached the office at 10 am instead of 9 am.
342leastکم سے کمadjectiveShe tries to spend the least amount on clothing.
343naturalقدرتیadjectiveSome people use natural herbs for petty diseases.
344physicalجسمانیadjectiveFor an appeal, the physical presence of the appellant is necessary.
345pieceٹکڑا، قطعہ، حصہnoun, verbPlease give me a piece of paper.
346showدکھانا، ظاہر کرناverb, nounPlease show your Identity Card.
347societyمعاشرہ، سماجnounThe future of society is in the hands of mothers.
348tryکوشش کرناverb, nounSome people try to help poor people.
349checkجانچ پڑتال کرنا، جائزہ لیناverb, nounAlways check your documents before leaving home.
350chooseچننا، انتخاب کرنا،verbChoose proper clothing according to the event.

اِن انگلش ورڈز کا درست تلفظ   یعنی pronunciation سننے کے لئیے یہ ویڈیو دیکھیں۔

Learn daily use basic English words