English abbreviations used in Pakistan
Learn important common English abbreviations used in Pakistan. Important abbreviations in English for students. We hope this will help you to learn English from Urdu.
اس سے پچھلے مضمون میں abbreviations پر تفصیلی روشنی ڈالی جا چکی ہے کہ abbreviation کسے کہتے ہیں، ان کا کیا استعمال ہے، اور انہیں کہاں استعمال کیا جاتا ہے۔ اس کے ساتھ ہی 90 سے زیادہ ایسی abbreviations جن کا دنیا بھر میں عام استعمال ہے، اس مضمون میں بیان کی گئی ہیں۔ abbreviation کا اتنا استعمال ہے کہ تمام abbreviations کا احاطہ کرنا نہ صرف نا ممکن ہے بلکہ اس کی ضرورت بھی نہیں ہے۔ کچھ abbreviations ایسی ہوتی ہیں جن کا استعمال صرف متعلقہ ممالک میں ہوتا ہے۔ اس مضمون میں ان abbreviations پر روشنی ڈالی گئی ہے جو پاکستان سے متعلق ہیں جن کے جاننے سے نہ صرف آپ کی معلومات میں اضافہ ہوگا بلکہ ان طالب علموں کو جنہیں امتحان میں abbreviation سے متعلق سوالات حل کرنے ہوتے ہیں ، مدد ملے گی۔ اس مضمون میں کچھ ایسی بین الاقوامی abbreviations کو بھی شامل کیا گیا ہے جو پچھلے مضمون میں شامل ہونے سے رہ گئی تھیں۔
قومی اہمیت کی حامل abbreviations

Complete Words | Abbreviation |
Federal Board of Revenue | FBR |
General Sales Tax | GST |
Capital Value Tax | CVT |
Income Tax Officer | ITO |
National Tax Number | NTN |
Financial Year | FY |
Year on year | YoY |
Income Tax Return | ITR |
Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry | FPCCI |
Pakistan Bar Council | PBC |
Pakistan Law Commission | PLC |
Pakistan Penal Code | PPC |
Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation | PBC |
Pakistan Coast Guards | PCG |
Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research | PCSIR |
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority | PTA |
Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority | PEMRA |
Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency | PILDAT |
Pakistan Standards Institute | PSI |
Pakistan Sports Board | PSB |
Pakistan Rural Support Program | PRSP |
Attorney General | AG |
Accountant General | AG |
Chief Minister | CM |
Inspector General | IG |
National Identity Card | NIC |
Computerized National Identity Card | CNIC |
Pak Rupee | PKR |
Karachi Inter-Bank Offered Rate | KIBOR |
Pakistan Stock Exchange | PSX |
Initial Public Offer | IPO |
English abbreviations used in Pakistan
Abbreviations relating to electricity, water and gas organizations
Complete Words | Abbreviation |
Water and Power Development Authority | WAPDA |
Pakistan Electric Power Company | PEPCO |
Karachi Electric | KE |
Lahore Electric Supply Company | LESCO |
Hyderabad Electric Supply Company | HESCO |
Peshawar Electric Supply Company | PESCO |
Sui Southern Gas Company | SSGC |
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines | SNGP |
Oil and Gas Development Company | OGDC |
Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority | OGRA |
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority | NEPRA |
Captive Power Plants | CPP |
Independent Power Producer | IPP |
Pakistan State Oil | PSO |
Abbreviations relating to renowned banks and financial institutions
Complete Words | Abbreviation |
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan | SECP |
National Bank of Pakistan | NBP |
Habib Bank Ltd | HBL |
MCB Bank (former Muslim Commercial Bank) | MCB |
Allied Bank Ltd | ABL |
United Bank Ltd | UBL |
Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan | IDBP |
Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan | ADBP |
House Building Finance Corporation | HBFC |
Institute of Bankers of Pakistan | IBP |
Insurance Association of Pakistan | IAP |
Pakistan Banking Council | PBC |
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | IBRD |
Pakistan Credit Rating Agency | PACRA |
Pakistan Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation Limited | PICIC |
Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation | PIDC |
Non-Banking Financial Corporation | NBFC |
Cash Reserve Ratio | CRR |
Open Market Operation | OMO |
English abbreviations used in Pakistan
Abbreviations relating to renowned industries and companies
Complete Words | Abbreviation |
Heavy Mechanical Complex | HMC |
National Engineering Services Pakistan | NESPAK |
Pakistan Agricultural Storage & Supplies Corporation | PASSCO |
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission | PAEC |
Pakistan Automobile Corporation | PACO |
Pakistan Engineering Company | PECO |
Pakistan International Airlines | PIA |
Civil Aviation Authority | CAA |
National Highway Authority | NHA |
Pakistan Ordnance Factory | POF |
Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission | SUPARCO |
Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation | PMDC |
Karachi Port Trust | KPT |
Pakistan National Shipping Corporation | PNSC |
Pakistan Railways | PR |
Pakistan Steel | PS |
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd | PTCL |
Pakistan Television | PTV |
Pakistan Broadcasters Association | PBA |
Rice Export Corporation of Pakistan | RECP |
Sindh Industrial Trading Estate | SITE |
Pakistan Workers Federation | PWF |
Telephone Industries of Pakistan | TIP |
Trading Corporation of Pakistan | TCP |
Indus River System Authority | IRSA |
Karachi Nuclear Power Plant | KANUPP |
National Economic Council | NEC |
English abbreviations used in Pakistan
Abbreviations relating to Educational Institutions
Complete Words | Abbreviation |
Karachi University | KU |
Lahore University of Management Sciences | LUMS |
Institute of Business Administration | IBA |
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan | ICAP |
Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan | ICMAP |
Institute of Engineers Pakistan | IEP |
Institute of Architects Pakistan | IAP |
Pakistan American Cultural Center | PACC |
Pakistan Institute of Management | PIM |
Higher Education Commission Pakistan | HECP |
National University of Science and Technology | NUST |
Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science & Technology | CZABIST |
College of Business Management (also known as Institute of Business Management) | CBM |
English abbreviations used in Pakistan
Some general abbreviations used in Pakistan
Complete Words | Abbreviation |
Compressed Natural Gas | CNG |
Liquefied Petroleum Gas | LPG |
Pakistan Standard Time | PST |
Export Processing Zone | EPZ |
Industrial Relations | IR |
International Relations | IR |
Large Scale Manufacturing | LSM |
Small Scale Manufacturing | SSM |
Air conditioner | AC |
Annual Development Plan | ADP |
Light Commercial Vehicles | LCVs |
Heavy Commercial Vehicles | HCVs |
Wide Area Network | WAN |
Superintendent of Police | SP |
Station House Officer | SHO |
Sub Inspector | SI |
Enquiry Officer | EO |
Pakistan Medical Association | PMA |
Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center | JPMC |
Pakistan Medical and Dental Council | PMDC |
Some common abbreviations used internationally
Complete Words | Abbreviation |
Cost Insurance Freight | CIF |
Cost and freight | C&F |
Free on Board | FOB |
Consumer Price Index | CPI |
Foreign Direct Investment | FDI |
World Bank | WB |
Asian Development Bank | ADB |
Expression of Interest | EOI |
Foreign Currency Account | FCA |
Gross Domestic Product | GDP |
Gross National Product | GNP |
International Financial Institutions | IFIs |
Pay as you earn | PAYE |
Research and Development | R&D |
Return on Asset | ROA |
Special Drawing Rights | SDR |
Traveler Cheques | TCs |
Telegraphic Transfer | TT |
اِس موضوع پر یہ ویڈیو بھی دیکھیں۔