Daily use common English words
with Urdu meanings
The number of words a person knows plays important role in his reading, writing, and speaking skills. For Urdu-speaking persons, we are presenting here 50 daily use common English words from most used 2265 English words Part-7, Urdu meanings. We hope this will help you to learn English from Urdu. For viewing the previously published lists of words kindly visit our section "frequently used 2265 English words” under the TIPS menu of this website.
انگلش میں بہت زیادہ اور باربار استعمال ہونے والے 2265 الفاظ کی ساتویں قسط جو الفاظ نمبر 351 سے 400 پر مشتمل ہے، پیش کی جا رہی ہے۔ ان الفاظ کو اچھی طرح سمجھیے، ان کے معنی سمجھیں، ان کا تلفظ غور سے سنیں اور آپ بھی ان الفاظ کو صحیح تلفظ سے کم سے کم ایک دفعہ ضرور بولیں۔ Part of Speech والے کالم میں دیکھیں کہ یہ لفظ part of speech کا کون سا پارٹ ہے یعنی یہ لفظ noun ہے، pronoun ہے، verb ہے یا کچھ اور ہے۔ان الفاظ کا جملوں میں استعمال دیکھیں اور کوشش کرکے ایسے ہی مزید جملے بنائیں۔ امید ہے کہ ان الفاظ اور آنے والےمزید الفاظ کو سمجھنے اور یاد کرنے سے آپ کی vocabulary بہتر سے بہتر ہوتی جاۓ گی۔ تو آیے ان الفاظ پر نظر ڈالتے ہیں۔
Learn Daily use common English words

Word | Meaning In Urdu | Part of speech | Example | |
361 | last | آخری، قائم رہنا | adjective | This is the last chance for you. |
362 | media | رسل و رسائیل، اخبار ٹی وی وغیرہ | noun | Every government wants to control the media. |
363 | mental | ذہنی ، دماغی، سنکی، پاگل | adjective | What is the mental condition of your mother now? |
364 | move | ہلنا، حرکت کرنا | verb, noun | Don’t move from here until I come back. |
365 | pay | ادا کرنا، دینا | verb, noun | Pay your monthly fee immediately. |
366 | sport | کھیل | noun, verb | Children like sports very much. |
367 | thing | چیز، شہ | noun | The Noun is the name of a person, place, or thing. |
368 | actually | درحقیقت، اصل میں | adverb | Actually, he is in the habit of sleeping very early in the night. |
369 | against | خلاف، بر عکس | preposition | I am not against you. |
370 | far | دور ، بعید | adverb | The Local market is not far away from here. |
Learn Daily use common English words with Urdu meaning
Word | Meaning In Urdu | Part of speech | Example | |
371 | fun | تماشہ، کھیل،مزہ لینا | noun | Raheela seems to be having fun. |
372 | house | گھر | noun | My house is only a five-mile drive from here. |
373 | let | کراۓ پر دینا، اجازت دینا | verb, noun | Let her participate in the race. |
374 | page | صفحہ | noun, verb, | I cannot check more than five pages in a day. |
375 | remember | یاد کرنا | verb | Do you remember your childhood days? |
376 | term | شرط، مدت | noun, verb | The government should complete its five-year term. |
377 | test | پرکھنا، جانچنا، امتحان | noun, verb | I have to take a math test today. |
378 | within | اندر، درمیان | preposition | You must return home within two hours. |
379 | along | ساتھ ساتھ ایک سرے سے دوسرے سرے تک | preposition | The chairs were lined up along the wall. |
380 | answer | جواب | noun, verb | You can answer any five questions. |
Word | Meaning In Urdu | Part of speech | Example | |
381 | increase | اضافہ کرنا، بڑھانا، زیادہ کرنا | verb, noun | Aslam’s salary has not been increased this year. |
382 | oven | تنور، بھٹی، چولہا | noun | Please keep my cup of tea in the oven for a minute. |
383 | quite | سراسر، واقعی، قطعی | adverb | I am quite sure, Rukhsana is innocent. |
384 | scared | خوفزدہ | adjective | She was very scared after the bomb blast. |
385 | single | اکیلا، واحد | adjective, noun | He is still single at the age of 50 years. |
386 | sound | آواز | noun, verb | Did you hear that sound? |
387 | again | دوبارہ، پھر | adverb | I will come again very soon. |
388 | community | برادری، گروہ | noun | Shakeel actively takes part in community works. |
889 | definition | تعریف، وضاحت | noun | What is the definition of pronoun? |
390 | focus | مرکز نگاہ، مرکوز کرنا | noun, verb | Do not lose focus on your studies. |
Learn Daily use common English words with Urdu meanings
Word | Meaning In Urdu | Part of speech | Example | |
391 | individual | انفرادی، ایک شخص | noun, verb | Rozina is a very talented individual. |
392 | matter | مادہ، معاملہ | adjective, noun | Can you explain the matter? |
393 | safety | حفاظت، بچاؤ | noun, verb | The State is responsible for the safety of its people. |
394 | turn | موڑنا، موڑ، باری | verb, noun | Now it is your turn. |
395 | everything | ہر چیز، ہر شہ | pronoun | Everything is fine at the moment. |
396 | kind | قسم، مہربان | noun, adjective | Parents are always very kind to their children. |
397 | quality | خوبی، خصوصیت | noun | The Quality of the products is not satisfactory. |
398 | soil | مٹی، زمین، خراب کرنا | noun, verb | You can exchange any soiled note at a bank. |
399 | ask | پوچھنا | verb, noun | You can ask any question. |
400 | board | تختہ، سوار ہونا، کھانا کھلانا، ارکان کمیٹی | noun, verb | Waheed is expected to board the flight at 10 pm. |
Learn Daily use common English words with Urdu meanings
اِن انگلش ورڈز کا درست تلفظ یعنی pronunciation سننے کے لئیے یہ ویڈیو دیکھیں۔