Most used English words - Part 3
50 English words used in daily life with Urdu meaning. Frequently used English Vocabulary has been chosen for this post. Most used words in English translated into Urdu.
The number of words a person knows plays important role in his reading, writing, and speaking skills. For Urdu-speaking persons, we are presenting here 50 words in the form of 2265 English words Part-3 daily use English words with Urdu meaning. We hope this will help you to learn English from Urdu. Previously explained words can be viewed from the category named "Frequently used English 2265 words” of this website.
2265 بہت استعمال ہونے والے انگلش الفاظ کی تیسری کڑی حاضر ہے۔ اس سے پہلے پیش کیے گۓ الفاظ کے بارے میں جاننے کے لیے یہاں کلک کریں۔ اگر آپ 50 الفاظ کو video کی شکل میں دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں تو اوپر دیے ہوے ویڈیو لنک کو کلک کریں۔
امید ہے کہ ان الفاظ اور آنے والےمزید الفاظ کو سمجھنے اور یاد کرنے سے آپ کی vocabulary بہتر سے بہتر ہوتی جاۓ گی۔ تو آیے ان الفاظ پر نظر ڈالتے ہیں۔
Learn Most used English words - Part 3
Word | Meaning In Urdu | Part of speech | Example | |
151 | life | زندگی | noun | How is your life? |
152 | since | سے، جب سے، کیونکہ | preposition | Razia has been studying at the university since 2019. |
153 | could | سکا | auxiliary verb | Aslam could not go to school today. |
154 | does | کرتا ہے | verb | Waseem does not own a house. |
155 | now | ابھی | adverb | You can go now. |
156 | during | درمیان میں، اندر | preposition | Don’t interrupt during a meeting. |
157 | learn | سیکھنا | verb | Do you want to learn the English language? |
158 | around | چاروں طرف، گرد، ارد گرد | adverb, preposition | They all sat around the table. |
159 | usually | عام طور پر | adverb | Usually, he reaches the office in time. |
160 | form | حالت، شکل | noun, verb, | On melting, plastic can acquire any form. |
Learn Most used English words - Part 3
Word | Meaning In Urdu | Part of speech | Example | |
161 | Meat | گوشت | noun | The sale of beef meat is not allowed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. |
162 | Air | ہوا | noun, verb | Without air, no living body can survive. |
163 | Day | دن | noun, adjective | How was your day today? |
164 | Place | جگہ | noun, verb | This is a nice place to visit again. |
165 | Become | ہوجانا، بن جانا | verb | Shaheer has become a good friend of mine. |
166 | number | تعداد، نمبر | noun, verb | The number of unlawful acts is increasing. |
167 | public | عوام، لوگ | noun | The public is angry at the current high prices. |
168 | read | پڑہنا | verb | If you want to write well, try to read too much. |
169 | keep | رکھنا | verb | Keep your precious items in a bank locker. |
170 | part | حصہ | noun, verb | To lose is part of winning. |
Word | Meaning In Urdu | Part of speech | Example | |
171 | start | شروع، شروع ہونا | verb, noun | The match will start at 10 a.m. |
172 | year | سال | noun | Muzaffar will complete his graduation in two years. |
173 | every | ہر ایک، ہرکوئی | adjective | Everybody will get two chances. |
174 | field | میدان، کھیت، شعبہ | noun, verb | Shahrukh is a master in the field of acting. |
175 | large | بڑا | adjective | A large number of people voted in his favor. |
176 | once | ایک دفعہ | adverb | Once I get college admission, I will work hard to get the degree. |
177 | available | دستیاب، قابل رسائی | adjective | Sugar is not available in the market. |
178 | down | نیچے، نیچے کرنا | adverb, preposition | Put your pens down now. |
179 | give | دینا | verb | Please give me some more water. |
180 | fish | مچھلی، مچھلی پکڑنا، پکڑنا | noun, verb | I like eating fried fish. |
Learn Most used English words - Part 3
Word | Meaning In Urdu | Part of speech | Example | |
181 | human | انسان | adjective, noun | All humans must behave nicely with each other. |
182 | both | دونوں | adjective, adverb | Both of them have been penalized. |
183 | local | مقامی | adjective, noun | Local agencies take care of water and sewerage. |
184 | sure | یقین ہونا، بلا شبہ | adjective, adverb | Are you sure? Shakeel has stolen your pen? |
185 | something | کچھ چیز | pronoun | There is something wrong here. |
186 | without | بغیر | preposition, adverb | Without money, there is nothing funny. |
187 | come | آنا | verb | Come to my house, when you are free. |
188 | me | مجھے | pronoun | Can you show me a good book on motivation? |
189 | back | کمر، عقب، واپس ہونا | noun | I will come back in a few minutes. |
190 | better | بہتر | adjective | Azam is feeling better now. |

Learn Most used English words - Part 3
اِن انگلش ورڈز کا درست تلفظ یعنی pronunciation سننے کے لئیے یہ ویڈیو دیکھیں۔